The following discusses Smart Connect policies regarding privacy and information supplied to us through our websites and or through any website operated by Smart Connect.


  1. General Information Disclosure

We analyze visitor traffic patterns on our website using information automatically provided by your browser when you visit our site. This information includes the IP address of your computer or network, the date, time, and page you visited on our site, your browser and operating system, and the referring page (the last web page you visited before clicking on a link to our site).

We use the aggregated information from all of our visitors to:

  • understand visitor/viewer interests and needs
  • improve our website content, design and navigation pathways
  • measure our equipment, internet software and broadband capacity and performance

We do not provide this information to other organizations unless they are contracted to work with our organization to improve the convenience and capabilities of our website.


  1. Specific and Personal Information Disclosure

We will not collect or retain personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us through e-mail, registration forms and surveys while using our website or through other methods including phone, fax or in-person visits. Personal information is information that identifies or describes an individual including: name, social security number, physical description, home or work address, home/work/cellular telephone numbers, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history.

If you choose to provide personal information, we will communicate the purpose of providing this information at the point of information collection.

We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party without permission from you or unless we are required to do so under federal or state law.

We do retain certain information about your visit in our web logs. None of this information personally identifies you. Such information includes, but may not be limited to, the following:

the Internet Protocol address and domain name used. The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer. We use it to:

  • guide our pages to you;
  • the type of browser and operating system you used;
  • the date and time of your visit;
  • the web pages you accessed at this site; and
  • the web site you visited prior to coming to this web site.

We do not use persistent “cookies” to store information on your computer or in our systems. However, we may need to temporarily maintain information regarding your activities in certain areas of the website in order to provide services to you. We do this through maintaining session variables that, for example, temporarily preserve the value of information you have entered into a form or a page selection you have made. This information expires shortly after you exit or upon logout of our secure site. The relevant page or the website itself and is not retained in permanent memory on our computers nor yours.


  1. Test Registration Disclosure

When you register or utilize other services through Smart Connect, you are giving your permission to Smart Connect to use the necessary information to complete the registration or schedule and/or provide the designated services or products. This information will be used internally within Smart Connect to provide the requested services and if required, by the sponsoring government or non-profit organization, this information will be shared with the sponsoring organization. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to any third party without permission from you or unless required to do so under federal or state law.


  1. Payment Processing Disclosure

When you submit a credit card payment request through Smart Connect, you are giving us permission to submit the information necessary to complete the transaction to our credit card processing vendor. Beyond the information required for the transaction, we will collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.

We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party without permission from you or unless required to do so under federal or state law.


  1. Accessing and/or Correcting Information Provided

As a professional organization that is committed to serving the needs of public and non-profit sector organizations, Smart Connect strives to collect and maintain accurate information. If you believe that Smart Connect possesses incorrect information and you wish to verify or correct that information, you are encouraged to email us at: and your request will be routed to the appropriate department or business unit for verification. We do ask that you provide enough initial information to contact you through phone or e-mail.

In all cases, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to review and/or modify your information.


  1. Feedback

If you voluntarily complete and submit an optional online feedback form or provide comments on the utility of our website. This information may be used to help us enhance our web sites and may be shared with Smart Connect employees and contractors for that purpose. In the event that we work with a vendor to improve our services or enhance our website, we will only provide the vendor with aggregate visitor behavior information.


  1. Effective Date
This policy is effective as of January 1, 2018.


  1. Additional Information

If you desire additional information about our Privacy Information Policies and Practices, please email us at: